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Replicas (2018) Movie Full Story

As the film opens, we're shown William, a scientist who works in a company. All of the scientists working there are notified that an army officer’s corpse has been brought in. Later, all of the scientists come to the experiment lab. The army officer's corpse was placed there, because they planned to have an experiment on him. 

William was about to transfer all of the details from the officer's mind, feelings, memories, and other information from his brain into a robot. He plans to create a robot with a robotic body and human emotions and mind. William has a good friend there, and he completes all of this with his help. He puts out everything from the army officer’s brain into a robot. As their experiment ends, the boost the robot with electricity. After a while, he begins to walk because he has all the memories of the officers. So, he knows all of his details and his name. It was such a moment of happiness for them because they’ve been successful. As he looks through his body, and learns that it was a robotic  body. He feels bad and begins to get nervous, he doesn't like his robotic body. As a result, he breaks this body after beating it repeatedly, and this experiment fails here. Later, William’s boss tells him if the experiment doesn’t work out in the next two or three weeks. That we will have to ban this company. As a result, everyone will certainly lose their jobs, which is very alarming. Later, William comes to his home, where we can see his wife and three children. They leave out in order to spend their holidays. They are about to go out of the city. During the traveling, it becomes night, and heavy rain starts. The rout ahead was severely damaged, and nothing could be seen in the car’s front-facing mirror. Later, a truck arrives before them, and they have a narrow escape from the truck. When they were preparing to leave, a light suddenly stuck in the nearby tree. The tree, therefore, falls on their car, and the tree’s bark breaks a mirror, striking William’s wife. She dies on the spot there. Later, the car loses balance and drives up immediately to a pound. and three of the children die in that, William’s entire family passes away in front of him. After keeping their bodies in front of him, he weeps a lot and goes into deep mourning. He eventually restrains himself and phones his friend, He calls him and asks him to bring all the devices that copy every part of the body. Later, he arrives there in a while, and sees his family in this state, he becomes upset and shocked. William asks his friend to take out all the data, and details about his family. William’s friend replies I’ll take all the data, but what would you do with it? But William says nothing in response. Later, William’s friend takes all of their information and memories with help of his machine, After taking that, they arrive at their own company's lab. William tells him that he wants to take my family’s clones out of the body. I’ll make their duplicate that will exactly appear like them, and after transferring all of their info into other bodies, I’ll give the same shape as their prior appearance. After listening to this, his friend forbids it as cloning was illegal in the world. But William doesn't listen to anything, As they are great friends, so William’s friend has to help William. Later, they start working on cloning. Till now, they haven’t succeeded in any experiment, In which the details and memories from another brain can be transferred into a clone. But William was confident that he has experimented with animals and was successful. In which he successfully transferred one animal’s memories onto another. He Is therefore confident that it is possible to transfer memories within humans. and that they will succeed in doing so. One clone takes him a total of 17 days to complete, If the company had found out, it would be alarming. So, they arrive at William’s home after taking all the basic equipment and machines. William asks his friend to move his family’s dead bodies aside, William's friend has to do it even unwillingly, They run into a problem when they notice they only have three glass cloning machine boxes, From which, they can make clones but William needs four. It means, one of their family members will not be cloned. William takes four pieces of paper and then writes the names of his family members. Whose name will come out, will not be cloned. He puts out one piece of paper, and her daughter's name comes out. That means, she will not be cloned and William becomes quite upset. Because he loves his youngest daughter the most. After noticing the situation, he starts to create clones of his wife and his two children. William’s friend has made a complete plan for making the clones. 17 days were required to complete this whole process. After being cloned they’ll retrieve at the same age at which they died. William’s friend informs him if the electricity goes out while cloning even just once. As a result, their entire experiment will fail. William brings the batteries of the neighboring cars, And they begin their work after using the electricity of these batteries. William’s friend tells him, Okay, let’s suppose your plan work and they become alive through cloning, They died because of the accident, For this reason, they still have all the memories of their younger daughter and the accident in their mind. If they ask you about this, what would you do, and tell them? After thinking for a long, William makes the decision. He will erase all memories of the accident and their young daughter from the minds of these clones. Many days pass and William doesn't go to the office. Because he has managed to complete this work at any cost. When William’s friend goes to the office, his boss asks where is William? because his presence and work are quite important. if William doesn't complete his work and doesn't become succeeded in the experiment. As a result, our company would soon shut down. William has a lot of difficulties at home because his children’s school teacher has come home. Since his wife was a doctor, he receives calls asking why she wasn’t coming to work. He texts their friends from their mobile, saying we have arrived at a visiting site for many days. Along with this, William was also working on his previous experiment. To check why the army officers’ robot has failed? On the other hand, there was a depressing atmosphere in the company, Because William was absent and no one was working on the project. As a result, their company can be shut down forever. Finally, 17 days pass, and William’s friend arrives to put out the clones from the machine box, William wasn’t prepared as of right now. He informs his friend that I'm still in the thought that we’ve put all of the details in the bodies, but will be they in that state I want after restoring their senses? His friend advises him to bring out the clones at this very moment and not waste any time thinking If they don’t put out, Because their age will increase by exceeding 17 days. As a result, the clones will be damaged. After putting all the clones out of the machine box. After injecting them, they have fainted for three days. While  William’s wife was unconscious,  he keeps his hand on her hand, He notices that her brain starts working. It stops working when he moves his hand out of the way. Later, he understands that every component of the human brain is interconnected with all parts of the body. Therefore, maintaining the balance between the brain and other parts is very important. It implies that the brain and the rest of the body should have the same viewpoint. The experiment of the army officer failed when he woke up, According to his brain, his body should be like a human. However, when his brain watched the iron body, it started to panic and lose control. As a result, he broke his body but if we trick the brain, The brain should have already been told that your body is made of iron. As a result, it won’t feel anxious and will instead accept its body. So, as he kept his hand on his wife's hand her brain and mind coordinated, The brain started working properly. After three days of unconsciousness, he checks after making their brain map. Later, he erases from their minds the memories of the incident and his youngest daughter. After restoring their senses, they look exactly like before. And act in the same way with William as they used to be in their lives. They don’t remember anything about their youngest daughter, When William notices this, he becomes very happy. Finally, William has done something that was believed to be impossible. Later, William leaves for the office to complete the experiment on that army officer. but couldn’t use the army robotic brain this time. As his mind already knew that it has a human body, So, he needs a new brain, and after making his own brain’s map, he begins to check. The surprising thing was that he could control his mind. On the other side, we see William’s wife who becomes anxious frequently. Because she often imagined her daughter in her dreams, She often asks William about her youngest daughter, but he always ignores this. Not only this but William’s older daughter has a nightmare. She sees that they have a car accident in which their mom has died. As a result, she wakes up scarily. William later approaches her and makes her understand, that there is no need to be afraid as it was just a dream. Now William suspects that there might be trouble, So, he faints her daughter and begins to check her mind map after connecting her with the machine. In order to check if any memory of the accident has been left in her mind. While he was doing this all, his wife appears and becomes shocked to see this. Nd asks him what are you doing, and what is going on here? William has to tell her about this all unwillingly. He tells her that a few times ago, we had an accident in which three of you died, and after making your clones, I’ve installed all of your memories in your brain. Hearing this, she becomes upset and begins to cry. She feels sad to know that she is only a clone, not a human being. Later, she accepts this bitter truth after seeing her children. The next day, their boss arrives at their home and tells him that, I know about everything from your accident to your family clones that you’ve made. If anyone knows that all of your family members are cloned. It would be quite alarming for our company. Later, he threatens him and tells him that I need that device, by which you've made these clones, otherwise, I’ll kill your family. Hearing this, William says okay wait and I’ll bring the device. William makes a conspiracy against him, and he makes him faint after attacking him. Later, he burns the device after putting the it into the oven, And, he begins to flee from there after taking his family. However, his boss has also brought his companions with him, So, they begin to chase William and his family after seeing them feeling. They’ve reached a far distance but they’re still chasing them. Later, William was unable to understand why is it happening. Later, he remembers that while making clones of his wife and children. A silver piece was put in their body with help of a machine. For this reason, they were chasing them while connecting these silver pieces with their devices. And these silver pieces can’t be removed easily. As his wife was a doctor, so she asks William to come to her clinic. After coming there, William’s wife burns the silver piece of their children from the current. Later, with help of William, she burns her own silver piece and they run from there. Now, they have a plan, if they find any trouble, they’ll run from here after taking William’s friend’s boat. For this reason, they come at the place where the boat was, but his boss’s companions as well arrive there. Finally, they capture them except William because he was at a distance. Later, they take them into their company, and William also comes there after a while. William’s friend was also there and was being threatened by his boss. For this reason, he tells his boss everything about William. Later, William’s boss again demands that device from William. As William denies to give that device, So, his boss shoots his friend. The innocent man dies as a result of helping his friend, William. After seeing this, William becomes afraid and gives his boss a new device after making. But his boss has bad intentions for him. As he gets the device, he goes to kill William's family. Meanwhile, the robot William has made, that he can control arrives there. After coming there, he begins to kill a man after attacking him. All of his people begin to attack him with guns to stop him. The bullets have no effect on him. During this situation, William gets a chance and flees out from there. Later, he goes into that office and sees that the robot is about to kill his boss. but after coming there, he stops the robot. Later, his boss tells William that I’m about to die but my people will not stop chasing you. William here offers him a deal that I’ll make you alive with cloning, but in return, you’ll have to free me and my family. Meanwhile, he agrees and bids him farewell by saying we’ll soon meet, He dies later, after saying this. Later,  he goes to make his clone but his robot tells him that you’ve done so much for me, You have given me a new life. So, you can go with your family and I’ll look over this all, I’ll make the clone of your boss. Later, William goes from there after taking his family from there. Later, after 17 days his boss’s clone also becomes ready. This clone and William’s robot later work together After making many successful clones, they earn a lot of money as a result, They have a renewed business. Later, we see William’s family was having fun at beach, William has made the clone of his youngest daughter as well. As a result, their family was quite happy. And the movie ends up with this happiness. Thanks.

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