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Biggest Crypto SCAM


Think that you are the owner of a company worth billions of rs. and you have climbed all over the world, people come to meet you after spending lakhs of rupees. In short, you are a legend and the whole world is at your feet Today, not 1 not 10, millions of people have started considering you as their idol. you are successful. But, those thousands of people who consider you as their idol, none of them know that you are a fraud. A thief who is about to run away with their money The thing that people thought was a way to fulfill their dream, what people thought was a way to become rich, was actually a fraud. Overnight 15 billion dollars, that is, an amount of more than 1 lakh crores, disappeared. But how, And when all this was happening why didn't anyone know And importantly, What are the powerful lessons that we can learn from this case study and implement in our lives? So that we will not be deceived like this. 

This story begins in 2014 when a 36-year-old girl makes this announcement. Such an announcement that people's senses fly away after hearing it. We Will Kill Bitcoin, Because Bitcoin Has No Future Because what we are bringing will end bitcoin forever in the coming time, And from this announcement is born, the one coin In October 2017, an event announcement takes place in Portugal. But Dr. Ruja Ignatova never reaches the announcement. disappeared, disappeared overnight Where she is: No one knows after eating the lifetime earnings of millions of people. No one knows where Dr. Ruja Ignatova is having fun Here's the thing: In 2014, cryptocurrency was a new thing for everyone there was a revolution, and there was a ray of hope. Imagine if at such a time a 36-year-old, A glamorous Ph.D. Dr. would come and say this in your ear, I have something that can change your life then you too will be convinced But, It's not that simple It's still very easy to fool 1 or 10 people with your beauty and intelligence. But Dr. Ruja Ignatova robbed not 1, not 10, but more than 30 lakh people in such a way that you can not even imagine And where is this lady today, no one knows Everyone wants to be rich, everyone wants to earn money so that 90% of their problems will be solved. but everyone needs a quick Get Rich Quick Honestly it became old, now that's new is Get Rich Easy The fun of earning money without doing anything is something else. and taking advantage of this thing, the savings of millions of people were robbed of their lifetime. But how did all this happen? In November 2014, Dr. Ruja Ignatova makes an announcement, millions of people are shown a dream, the dream of becoming rich Education packages were sold to all the people in return they used to receive some tokens. they could use those tokens to mine one coin. So Basically, People had no interest in those education packages. Because everyone came to know that this education package is completely useless. But what kept people hooked was the one coin and mining of one coin But why, were people greedy for money? Not really, The dream of becoming rich was sold to people, but the dream was not only of becoming rich. but the dream of the glamorous world. A glamour that is not available to everyone, being a member of an exclusive community Where people only talk about success and motivation sitting among them, attending many glamorous parties, and many more People were sold an exclusive lifestyle and a glamorous world They took money from people through education packages to back up the thing Which was backed by cryptocurrency Whose name was "one coin" and more than 30 million people got trapped in this thing. But how, and why didn't anyone question? Why did no one doubt this thing Well, one reason, is Intricacies People were told that education packages would be sold to them? in exchange for which they would get cryptocurrency, which is backed by Blockchain technology. and this cryptocurrency comes with an automation feature. So basically, You only have to invest once, and you will get money forever But there is a cache, If you keep on recruiting more people then this amount of yours will keep on increasing. And all these were packaged in glamour and motivation. If, For which cryptocurrency is also a new thing: by listening to all these things. It is almost impossible for that person to find out scam And when the scam came in front of the people, it was too late But, the question is: What was the police doing when this was happening, did no one know about the scam? The answer to this is hidden inside the model of Onecoin.  A cryptocurrency in which people were told that its value would increase by 100%, and it was also increased But in a very unusual way Now see how this works Ruja Ignatova has sold education packages to the people Which was backed by cryptocurrency And all these things was on MLM, That is, done on the model of multilevel marketing Inside you recruit people and bring them, who keep on recruiting more people. But what if I start hiring recruiters? And Ruja Ignatova also did the same thing. They gathered all the MLM leaders Who already had a team of thousands of people working under them So basically, Brought all these MLM people by paying money, inside one coin And all these MLM leaders started talking about one coin in their own lines, and everywhere else and went on selling everyone. whose result was that In less than 3 years, these people have brought more than 30 lakh people inside their network. And the surprising thing is that these 30 lakh people put more than 1 lakh crore money inside the whole thing. Whoever put money in one coin, Initially, everyone made money As more people come into the system the demand for one coin will increase. and as demand increases, the value of one coin will increase. And in return your investment will also grow Well this story was sold to the people But in reality, this thing used to work like this The cryptocurrency in each legit is backed by a blockchain So that no individual person can access the details of any transaction. And moreover, control should not remain in the hands of only a particular person And this blockchain, Its parts are scattered inside multiple computers. But, This was not the case with Onecoin. OneCoin's entire system was built on top of SQL servers. Basically, which are centralized. And all these servers were being controlled by the team of OneCoin. In the year 2016, 2 years after Onecoin was launched A blockchain developer named Bjorn Bjercke Called to develop OneCoin's blockchain technology regrettably, this thing is never executed Do you know, why? Because Bjorn Bjercke refused to do this I know what you are thinking If there was no blockchain technology, then how would this coin be mined? Simple, Computer Codes Enter the codes in the SQL server, mine is done A marketplace called coins was created to prove that one coin is really something. where people can shop through their one coin But you know what, Not only one coin They had to pay fiat currency as well i.e. normal currency. if they wanted to buy something, then Daily selling limits were there No investor could sell the coins of his own choice Some people started calling OneCoin a criminal network So some people started calling it an old-school pyramid scheme, which is built on a new platform. A lady named Jen McAdam reveals that she, along with her friends 250 Thousand euros, that is, more than 2 crore rupees were lost inside OneCoin Year 2017, OneCoin event is going to happen inside India Before which, 18 people are arrested To paraphrase this thing, at the same time, in October 2017 an event is announced in Portugal But Dr. Ruja Ignatova never reaches that event disappeared, disappeared overnight no one knows where she is after eating millions of people's lifetime earnings. Where Dr. Ruja Ignatova is having fun today, no one knows Which brings us to the most important thing what are the powerful lessons that we can learn from this case study and implement in our lives? The first lesson, Step back before you are investing time investment, High returns, Money gets double, Passive income Wherever you get to hear all these words Just step back don't invest your money in there Take Time and Analyze Everything We often make this mistake that we get so excited to hear such a thing. that we immediately put money into these things, the result of which is that everything ends. Because in reality, there are no free in this world So whenever someone comes to you with such an offer So ask him what is cache after all? And do your own research to find out What is the truth behind this that is being hidden from me? If something doesn't work for you, and you don't know its working fundamentals So you don't invest money in that thing In 2014, Cryptocurrency was also new to people, and even today it is a new thing for many people: But, Even then people give money inside this thing thinking that we put money, everyone is growing, ours will also increase. Better approaches, Fundamentals, Technical workings, and White paper details Before investing in whatever things before that, find out about these 3 things. And yes stop being impressed by glamour today Because sometimes, It can kill you.

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