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DUBAI, Sheikhs, Girls, fast cars, money, power, and parties. From travel bloggers to teachers, until today everyone just told us, Dubai equal to Luxury. From Burj Al Arab 7-star rooms To Burj Khalifa fountains. Everything is top-class. You see these sheiks have so much money, that from their private jet interior to toilet paper, everything is of gold. One multibillion-dollar oil and tourism empire, but then come you, Tired of your job. Irritated by your boss. Stressed about your financial condition. Following the daily routine. You just need money. A lot of money is needed. You have big dreams but you are stuck. Between your friends and relatives. Between your colleges. No other way is visible. One day you go and open YouTube, and guess what? You see a Dubai travel vlog. Which people are enjoying luxury life in Dubai. Parties, girls, fast cars. A dream lifestyle and you are hooked. From 1 vlog to second, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, and finally You reach on such a video, but if I tell you, all these are lies. You are shown a world, which makes you feel that you are nothing. You are poor. You don t have money. No matter how much you struggle, you can never live such a life. And now you just have one solution, to go to Dubai and become a millionaire. And to live that life, which you are dreaming of today. But as per the ministry of external affairs, per day more than 7 Indians have lost their lives. And you know what, this death scene of Indians in Dubai Is not from now, but it is there for many years. The year 2005, the Indian embassy in UAE Registered 971 deaths. Among which 61 deaths were such Which happened due to accidents. On social media, by watching sheiks & multibillionaires' lifestyles We think that every person in Dubai is happy. And to experience the such lifestyle, People work very hard. They take a high-earning job, and they get shifted to Dubai. But after reaching over there, they experience something else

For the working professional 70% of the income who stays in Dubai Is spent on his rent. And on the remaining 30% of income, they need to bear other monthly, expenses. Very few people know this, Dubai's 70% population monthly earning, is less than $300 means Rs.25,000 I know what you are thinking. What if there is so much poverty Then Dubai police patrol by Lamborghini and here the Gold Rolls Royce of sheiks Is everything a lie? Well not really, but the thing is In Dubai, there are many such things That you can never see on social media or new channels. But the reality is very dangerous.

Dubai's dark side, and the Indian's death happening over there, to understand the relation of this thing Firstly understanding these 3 things is very important.  

Number 1. History What is really Dubai's History?

Number 2. Money-making model. How does Dubai earn money?

And 3rd Most importantly the secrets that make Dubai actually very dark.

Modern Dubai's story starts in 1901 Where Hasher Maktoum establish Dubai as a free port. Because before that the people over here were fishermen. And because of this free port, In Dubai for import and export, No one had to pay taxes on these things. Apart from this, businessmen in Dubai Were guaranteed protection upon their land. Because of this many businesses, a man came to Dubai. And in just 5 years, when 1906 came near, Dubai's port cargo trade was more than 70,000 tons Everything was going on smoothly. Immediately everything changed in a minute. 1929. The great depression. And now the condition of Dubai was the same as before. Some years pass and nothing changes.

But suddenly one day, on 3 march 1938 In the Middle East, an American company discovers oil. To extract that oil, Oil disc are set up. But oil is refined in an oil refiner. And this is where Dubai comes in. Dubai's location advantage and ports for oil companies, and oil transportation Made it very convenient and cost-effective. In 1958 after the death of Hasher Maktoum Saeed Al Maktoum becomes the new prince of Dubai. 56 years old this visionary leader, saw such a dream for Dubai, which in upcoming years Dubai world-class trade center and tourism hub was going to be made. Prince saw that Dubai's weakness is Dubai does not have oil reserves. But the prince noticed one more thing. Dubai has a very powerful advantage. And that is Dubai's geo-economic location. In 1945, US president Franklin Roosevelt Convince Saudis to sell oil in US dollars. And because oil is such a commodity, which is a need of every nation, So the countries who were selling oil, made a ton of money. And now because the oil was traded in US dollars worldwide That is a reason, the US dollar became a reserved currency.

But the catch is, Dubai's geo-economic location was so powerful that it became the biggest advantage. And by using this thing Overall all these oil companies Started providing port facilities. Which had the biggest gift Giving these port facilities from oil extraction Up top transacting oil and is very expensive than these both things. And it is very risky too. From the year 1958, Sheikh Rasheed started focusing on infrastructure development but from 1966 to early 2000 One thing happened in Dubai with great speed. And that was Immigration. As the infrastructure of Dubai started developing Similarly, Dubai's labor population started increasing and today UAE's populations of 46% Are just Indians. After 1966 Dubai's infrastructure was increasing rapidly. To develop that Dubai needed labor. For that many Bangladeshis, Pakistani, and Indians from here shifted to Dubai. So that there they can do good work. And at that time in India, there were very few developmental opportunities for laborers. Very few people know this, but more than 70% of Dubai's population Is a labor workforce. And the sad part is, they are treated worse than the slaves.

Hidden Secret

Ben Anderson, one British reporting journalist Comes to Dubai. After which such a side of Dubai comes out, which anyone cannot even imagine in their dreams. The story is of a 24-year-old Bangladeshi worker of Sahanal monir. In India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh There are many local recruitment agencies. All these local recruitment agencies, Travel and go to different towns and villages to pick people. Over there the already working workers offer a good job bribe to them. People are told that they will get such jobs Where they will get 500 to 1200 dollars monthly. That too with accommodation and food. Workers get convinced. But after that these recruitment agencies, to send those workers to Dubai, their visa and flight, by adding these charges They take 2000-3000$ But the thing is these 2000-3000$ Many workers don't have it. And to arrange this money, either they need to sell something or they have to keep something as a mortgage.

But the reality started When all these workers reach Dubai. As these workers reach Dubai, the construction company that hired them Firstly they seize the passport of all the workers. After seizing the passport. Very terrible working conditions in 45-49 degree Celsius For 14 hours these workers are told to work. And the thing is All these workers are paid per day. This means if someday you are ill or if you could not reach work someday Then you won't get money for that day. Along with this, any worker from this Who has joined construction company recently One contract is signed with them. According to that contract, They won't be paid for the first 2-3 months. They are just kept in the observing period. And the worst thing is These workers' accommodation. All the construction sites that are there, all these workers' accommodation Is very far from that construction site. All these workers, from construction sites, are taken to labor camps. These labor camps are 40-50 km far from the city. In these labor camps, there were very small rooms. And in one room triple decker beds are there. And because of that triple-decker bed in that one small room, 8-11 people are staying. And this is nothing, in that labor camps, in so much heat Hardly that labors get one fan. And along with that, they don't even get distilled water. And the worst thing is that all these laborers Any type of loan or by collecting money somehow, reached Dubai. And until they don't work and until they don't collect that much money So that they go back They can't go back. And now this worker is stuck over here/ Took a loan and reached Dubai and here they are working hard so that they can earn so much money That someday they will come back to their country. And because of such horrible conditions Most workers Or because of Fear commit suicide.


On 10 May 2011, Athriraman Kanan from Tamil Naadu Who was working on the construction site of Burj Khalifa commits suicide on Burj Khalifa's 147 floors. And one year before this in the year 2010. 113 Indian workers committed suicide de. In May 2021, a 34-year Indian worker In Dubai's AL Riffa area by hanging himself in his room committed suicide. From 2017 to 2021, In the last 5 years, every day in Dubai 5 Indians have lost their lives. And this thing not only on Indians But the Nepalis, Bangladeshi, Pakistani staying over there Every guy who comes with a dream to work over there Every person has faced the same.

In Dubai, human rights violation Is not just with the labor workforce but the female domestic workers over there They also face the same. Many females brought from the Asian countries Either come here by their choice to work They are told lies and brought over there Most girls over here are recruited as domestic workers. But after that all these girls 7 days, 24 hours Are kept in a room like a prisoner. And they are told to work continuously. From beating them to sexual harassment They need to face every type of human rights violation. And if someone raises a voice against it Then either he is killed, or by the violation of employment contract, They are put into jail. And the thing is Without anyone's permission If here someone wants to change their job or if someone wishes to go back to their country Then the Indian embassy also can't help them without their passport and their passport is already seized by the construction company. So technically they can neither change their job and neither they can go back to their country. I closed my shop and came over here and here they told us to work here on the construction site. We want to come to India someway, please. I know what you are thinking If things are so bad in Dubai, then anytime on social media or in news why don't we see such news? Well, one word. Centralized control.

The Dubai government keeps all these things hidden. Dubai is a republic country just for its name. But the reality is If someone speaks against the Dubai government Then either he is killed. Or else he is thrown in jail. So, these things never come in front of anyone. In Dubai, many companies doing labor exploitations Are owned by the government. And they do all these things to maximize the profit. And they really don't care. Whether are violating human rights or not. Where Dubai's labor population stays in those labor camps Main city where all the tourist population comes Where businessman has come. They are kept very far from them. So tourists and businessmen never know what How actually Dubai looks like. And the thing is If you are a tourist or a normal person Then you are not allowed to go to these labor camps. Why? Because the Dubai government does not want That Dubai's actual side, comes in front of us. Ben Anderson went here with a hidden camera. Because the people that stay in the labor camps, they are in fact afraid of coming in front of the camera. The immigrants staying in Dubai Are divided mainly into these 3 categories. Number 1, High earning professionals. Number 2, Low earning professionals. And number 3, unskilled/semiskilled workers.

On social media, we just see the life of high-earning professionals. And by watching that we feel that In Dubai everything is filled with Luxury. In Dubai we just have fun but in reality, Dubai is the biggest example of modern slavery. Have you guys ever thought On Instagram and YouTube Why do we see so many girls in Dubai only? Why do we see so many girls near sheiks? Why does Dubai have so much party culture? Well from here Dubai's that dark side starts Which is in the shadow of economic development It is hidden even today. Dubai is famous for tourism. So, in Dubai hotels, amusement parks Mam of aquariums They invested in everything. So, 35 square km of Dubai city Which is as much as New Delhi in the year 2019, 16.31 million tourists visited From India's 17.91 million tourists Just 1.5 million is less.


In Dubai, one such thing happens Which is not talked about by anyone. That is prostitution. In Dubai there are more than 30,000 prostitutes Who were brought here for some other work Now forcefully they are told to do this work. Or else due to lack of money.

Those girls have to do this work. Now see how this works. Escort agents, many Instagram girls Message them in their dm and among them, some girls hunger for a lot of money Get ready to work for these things. Because of this, these girls need to take 4-5 Dubai trips yearly Where they get paid to do things with these sheiks. Many Instagram girls go at least 5 times to Dubai in a year. And Dubai's international overnight visitors spend 39.82 billion dollars. Which is 11% of Dubai's GDP. And this is huge. To attract any tourist and to increase their coastline, many artificial islands are built. In which world islands and 3 palm islands come. Palm Jumeirah, Palm jebel ali and palm Deira.


The world islands are made in Dubai Which is a group of 300 islands Every year it is going 5- 9 m inside the water. And so, among these, 7 such islands Are developed to live. To make this island It wasn't possible to bring sand from the desert So in the shallow water of the Persian Gulf By doing building underground Sand is removed and placed on these islands. But the biggest disadvantage of this is by removing so much sand from the sea, The water level has increased more. And because water waves have increased the chances of having floods are high. Because of these waves from the artificial island to the Dubai coastline Everywhere we can see erosion. After the 1970s the expansion in Dubai happened very rapidly, Because of which Proper sewage facilities were never developed. Because of this Even today all the trucks of sewage treatments need to stand in line for 3-4 days. But the sad part is, to be safe from this problem, Dubai's sewage treatment trucks Are disposing of all the trucks in water. Which in the upcoming time will be harmful to nature.

Dubai was actually Made by seeing cities like Hongkong, Singapore, and las Vegas SO even after having so much empty space, In Dubai so much huge buildings were made. But the thing is Hongkong, Singapore, and Las Vegas In all these cities The temperature conditions are not too adverse. But in Dubai, there is a high temperature. The temperature reaches up to 48 degrees. And in so much high temperature All the huge buildings Which have glasses Starts to heat up so much. Because of this, these buildings need a lot of ACs Which harms the climate. Every stadium made in Dubai, Requires 1000 gallons of water. Just a golf course needs per day 4 million gallons of water. Which is directly extracted from the sea After the process of desalination. But the thing is that in the process of desalination The desalination plant Creates a lot of CO2s. Food, if we talk about food, on one side, where in African countries people don't get food. People are dying out of hunger There on the other side in Dubai daily 38% of food is wasted. And this number increases up to 60% during the time of Ramzan Dubai's superficial & consumerism-promoting lifestyle Dubai's per resident carbon footprint Is the highest in the world. Which is just double of America.


As much as Dubai looks amazing from the outside in reality it is not that much. And especially if you belong to middle-class income, I just want to say one thing. By watching the shine of such countries on social media, never get over attacked by them. Because it can be dangerous for you. Even today there are so many people Who by watching Dubai's lavish and luxurious life by dreaming of such things go over there. And by going over there they come to know that Reality is something else. All the amazing things you see in this world of them have such a side, which is hidden from all of you.

Thank You

CREDIT : Aditya Saini

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